Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Getting started

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I just created this new blog for my INFO 652 class. In the following weeks I will frequently post my thoughts and other crazy stuff.

First some information about my person. I'm a 24 old student currently enrolled in the MSIS program at Drexel in Philadelphia. I was born and raised in Germany and came to the U.S. the first time in August 2006 to complete an internship at Siemens Corporate Research in Princeton. After one year of working there, I finished my bachelor studies in business applications of computer science in Germany. Then I decided that I wanted to continue my studies in the U.S., which brought me to Drexel.

So currently I'm a full-time on-campus student and not working besides studying. I aim to finish my study program at Drexel around June 2009 and to start my own business afterwards.

Some of the websites I visit frequently, are:

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed reading this first post and will visit my site again.