Sunday, April 13, 2008

Website Structure

I was thinking about the structure of my website and so far I have the following pages/categories in mind:

  • Home
    • a short welcome message and trying to make the user interested in the website's content.
  • About
    • some information about myself.
  • Website Promotion
    • collection of tips and suggestions on how to promote a website with little or no money.
  • Website Improvement
    • collection of tips and suggestions on how to improve a website. For example, simple and short (!) suggestions for search engine optimization.
  • Links
    • lists of links. For example, to references, other INFO 652 websites, my own websites, etc.
  • Blog
    • link to my blog, opens in new window.
  • Contact
    • Ways to contact me. Best would be a contact form but I don't know if Drexel Pages support server-side scripting like PHP.