Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Website tested for color blindness and anomalous forms

After katherine posted a comment about possible difficulties people with color blindness could have with my website's black/red color combination, I started to do some research about color blindness. Luckily, I found a website ( that allows you to check a website against several color blindnesses and anomalous forms. After entering an URL the website's color filter presents you the website as it would appear to a color blind person. In the following you can see the results for my website.

Color Blindness

Protan (click on image to enlarge it):

Deutan (click on image to enlarge it):

Tritan (click on image to enlarge it):

Anomalous Forms

Mono (click on image to enlarge it):

Protan (click on image to enlarge it):

Deutan (click on image to enlarge it):

Tritan (click on image to enlarge it):

As you can see, the website is well readable and easy to navigate in all cases. Therefore, color blindness shouldn't be an issue with my current color theme. I'm very happy about this since I like the colors as the are at the moment. Obviously, someone with color blindness wouldn't have the nice site impression as others, but the most important thing is that they can still use everything the website has to offer without any further restrictions.